Though born into a Jewish family, Pastor Seif came to a saving faith in Jesus, in the wake of which he responded to a call to ministry. Jeff trained for the pastorate at Trinity College and Seminary, the Graduate Theological Foundation, and took advanced degrees from Southern Methodist University. In addition to pastoring, Dr. Seif is also a theology and ministry professor at Christ for the Nations Institute, a premiere, interdenominational, charismatic Bible college. A graduate of the North Texas Regional Police Academy as well, Pastor Seif is a police chaplain and holds a reseve police officer a commission with the DeSoto PD...
Read more at Pastor's webpage
DeSoto Community Church is a multicultural, international, interdenominational church, who has a desire to reach the world for Jesus. Our services have a Messianic touch with Jewish feasts relating to Jesus as Messiah.
Learn more about
DCC at this link.
What we believe.
DCC Creed.
DeSoto Community Church is a family church. We would like to be your family church.
Click here for our times of services.
We are located south of Dallas, in beautiful DeSoto, Texas.
Click here for an interactive map.
Under the dynamic leadership of Stoney Thompson, this group is on the cutting edge of discipleship training to be the world's next generation of anointed ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
DCC Youth Group.
There is always something going on at DCC! Check here for latest information.
DCC Events.
Need some good study tools? Here are some great helps, including search engines for various translations of the Bible, concordances, commentaries and so forth. Also included are online newspapers from all over the world!
Study Page.
Tired of studying and need to take a break? Feel alone, and nobody's at home, or their line is perpetually busy? Are you an Online minister, or just a computer geek who loves chat? Maybe you need someone to pray for you. If any of these apply, you will be thoroughly blessed by our forums and chatrooms. Post messages, or talk all night in the chatroom of your choice. (Note: All "undesirable" posts are promptly removed).
DCC DC Chatrooms and Forums.
Planning to move this direction? Read up on the beautiful community of DeSoto. If you have any questions about DeSoto, you are sure to find the answers here.
Information on DeSoto.
The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea... Meet the DCC Missionaries.
DCC Missionaries.
Some day, you will want to pray. When that time comes, will you know what to say? You can know Jesus today. Click here to pray the prayer of salvation. If you have a prayer request, click on the "Chat and Forum" link, and leave your prayer request with us. The freverant prayer of the righteous man avails much!
Click here for prayer page.